Gezondheid Centrum Health Care Zheng Tong, Gezondheidsadvies,Chinees Herbalist, Kruidentherapie, Acupunctuur, Acupressuur, Moxa, Cupping, Gua sha, Tui-Na en Natuurgeneeswijzentherapie.

  • Seizoensgebonden Gezondheid
  • 二十四节气之“冬至”

1. 气温下降,注意保暖;
2. 注意作息,早睡早起;
3. 饮食上以滋阴潜阳,增加热量为宜。与此同时,按照个人体质,配合中药材进行调理,更能达到理想的效果,比如:当归、干姜、阿胶、山药、白芍、枸杞子,等等。

药补不如食补, 我向您介绍“补冬”常用的药膳处方:

“Winter Solstice” term is 22ed period in traditional Chinese lunisolar calendar, and is also the fourth term of winter. During Winter Solstice (begins this year on December 22 and ends on January 4), “Yin” will reach its peak. This is the time of year in which Yin’s aspects of darkness, inactivity, and coldness are strongest. At the same time, the spark of “Yang” is born again, and also brings its energy of light, activity and warmth.
According the theory of Nourishing life of TCM, Winter Solstice is the key solar term of the transformation of “Yin” and “Yang”, and also the best time to treat the disease of summer. Because of cold weather can prompt absorption of nutrients by the body, Winter Solstice should be a reminder for nourishing life. Therefore, how do we stay healthy during this period? I would like to provide you several recommendations:
1. Pay more attention to keep warm;
2. Regulate sleep-wake cycles: go to bed early and get up early.
3. Focus on an appropriate diet with well-cooked warming foods to keep our inner circulation and digestion strong. Meanwhile, Traditional Chinese Herbs can also maintain and nourish our energy. For example: Dang Gui, Gan Jiang, E Jiao, Shan Yao, Bai Shao, Gou Ji Zi, and so on.

I introduce common dietary prescriptions for winter nourishment:
Eight Treasures (Angelica, Rehmannia, Lycium, Peony, Atractylodes, Poria, Chinese Date, Licorice)
Four Ingredients (Angelica, Peony, Chuanxiong, Rehmannia) with (Lotus Seed, Euryale Seed, Chinese Yam, Poria)
Single Herbs (Ginseng, Angelica, Tianqi, Du Zhong)
Instructions: Place the prepared Chinese herbs in a cheesecloth bag and place it in a large sand pot. Soak in clean water for 30 minutes. Add cleaned poultry, pig feet, pig kidneys, eels, soft-shelled turtles, or other processed ingredients into the pot with the herbs. Bring to a boil, then simmer over low heat until the active ingredients completely infuse into the soup. The resulting taste of the medicinal soup will surely tantalize your taste buds.


  • January - 24 solar term - Lesser Cold - 小寒

"Xiaohan" is the 23rd solar term among the twenty-four solar terms, marking the official beginning of the winter season and the fifth solar term of winter. Although Xiaohan is considered the best time for nourishment, it is not about consuming a large quantity of tonics; targeted nourishment is essential.
Xiaohan health tea, wishing you a relaxed Xiaohan:
1. Wu Mei Mai Dong Tea:   To improve constipation caused by an excess of gastric fire, try brewing a cup of Mai Dong tea.
2.  Rose Puer Tea:  Especially for women or those with a weak spleen and stomach, the entire winter may feel cold in the hands and feet. It is recommended to drink fermented tea to keep warm and enhance the body's disease resistance.
3. Ginseng Jujube Tea:  It can supplement Qi and nourish blood, tonify Qi, nourish Yin, clear heat, and generate fluids.
4. Ginger Astragalus Red Date Tea: It has the dual effects of nourishing Qi and blood, invigorating the spleen and warming the stomach, relieving pain, and promoting blood circulation to remove stasis."

24节气 - 一月- 小寒
小寒养生茶, 祝您轻松过小寒
1. 乌梅麦冬茶
2. 玫瑰普洱茶
3. 生姜黄芪红枣茶

  • January - 24 solar term - Great Cold
     一月 - 24节气 - 大寒


The "Great Cold" is the last of the 24 solar terms in a year. It usually occurs around January 20th in the Gregorian calendar, signifying the extremely cold weather.
During the Great Cold, it is still advisable to consume warm foods. In terms of diet, one can eat red vegetables and fruits, as well as spicy and warm foods such as red chili peppers, red dates, carrots, red apples, chicken, beef, lamb, Chinese cabbage, and rapeseed, to increase the body's heat energy and enhance resistance. However, the Great Cold also marks the transition from winter to spring, so adjustments in diet and daily routines should align with seasonal changes. Gradually reduce the consumption of nourishing and greasy foods, and incorporate foods with dispersing properties to adapt to the spring's vitality. Examples of foods with a dispersing nature include ginger, green onions, Sichuan peppercorns, chili peppers, perilla leaves, and cinnamon.
In terms of health and diet, it is advisable to reduce salt intake and increase bitter flavors to nourish the heart and Qi. The dietary principle is to prefer warm and soft foods, focusing not only on the warm sensation in the mouth but also on the warming nature of the food, which can benefit the spleen, warm the stomach, and tonify the kidneys.

  • 二十四节气之“立春”




  • 适当加强锻炼,提高机体免疫功能,但是锻炼时需注意保暖,宜进行节奏缓和的运动,以不出汗或微出汗为佳;
  • 适当进补,宜多食“辛温”食物,多食“甘润”食物,少食酸物,因为酸味入肝,具有收敛之性,不利于阳气的生发和肝气的疏泄;
  • 重点以养肝为主,多选用柔肝养肝,疏肝理气的食材,比如:丹参、元胡、郁金、山药、莲子、枸杞等等。

“Beginning of Spring” term is the first period in traditional Chinese lunisolar calendar, and is also the first term of spring. During Beginning of Spring (begins this year 2023 on February 4 and ends on February 18), the earth is coming back to life and getting ready to welcome the flowers of the spring. Insects begin to stir beneath the soil, while fish swim closer to the surface of the river.

“Beginning of Spring” which is the first solar term of the year. Spring belongs to the Wood element and corresponds to the Liver in Traditional Chinese Medicine. The Liver is associated with the physiological function of regulating the flow of Qi (vital energy) and is linked to emotions such as anger. It dislikes stagnation and favors smoothness. In terms of dietary adjustments, considering that the Yang energy is rising in the spring, it is advisable to consume foods that are pungent and sweet, which have dispersing qualities, while avoiding sour and contracting flavors.
To nourish the Liver and promote Qi circulation, one can purposefully choose herbs and foods with gentle Liver-nourishing properties. Examples of herbs include wolfberry (goji), turmeric (yu jin), salvia miltiorrhiza (dan shen), and cyperus rotundus (xuan fu hua). Food choices can include warm and dispersing ingredients such as jujubes, fermented black beans, green onions, cilantro, peanuts, etc., and these can be flexibly combined in dietary formulations.
One recipe example is Goji Berry Congee:
Ingredients: 30g goji berries, 100g glutinous rice.
Target audience: Suitable for individuals with Liver and Kidney deficiencies.

According to the theory of Nourishing life in TCM, spring is a time of growth, of reaching outward, and of looking ahead. Spring is also the ideal time for cleansing and rejuvenation for our health.
How to specifically target and nourish our body in spring? I would like to provide you several recommendations:

  • Take proper exercise, low-impact cardio workouts are the best option, such as Tai Ji;
  • Keep body warm;
  • Spring is asscoiated with the liver,  traditional Chinese Herbs can tonify and nourish the liver, such as Dan Shen, Yuan Hu, Yu Jin, Shan Yao, Lian Zi, Gou Qi Zi, and so on.

素什锦做法:准备芹菜  胡萝卜  木耳  腐竹  生花生米
温馨提示:芹菜清炒  煮汤时候放点  也都不错  芹菜有一股独特的香味  能够疏肝解郁  开胃增进食欲

  • Tomb-Sweeping Day

"Qingming"/Tomb-Sweeping Day is the fifth solar term in the traditional Chinese lunar calendar and also a traditional Chinese festival for worshipping ancestors. According to ancient records, "Qingming" means clear and bright sky and earth, and all things are clean and bright during this time, so it is called Qingming. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that Qingming health preservation should follow nature, and emphasizes "Qing" (clearness), which means clearing the heart, liver, intestines and stomach, and dampness.
How can we pay attention to health preservation during Qingming specifically? Here are some suggestions:
1. Keep a happy mood, breathe fresh air, and relax the mind and body to maintain a clear and peaceful mind.
2. As liver Qi is strongest around Qingming after the beginning of spring, it is particularly important to maintain liver qi flow smoothly. It is recommended to eat warm nourishing soups. Such as goji berry and pig liver congee, Sichuan lovage and white atractylodes fish head soup, fresh Poria cocos and pork belly soup, and so on.
3. As the liver meridian corresponds to the spring season and it is strong during Qingming. It can weaken the spleen and stomach. So those with weak digestive systems should avoid digestive stasis and eat more foods that clear the intestines and stomach. Such as broccoli, onions, kelp, black fungus, etc. Drinking chrysanthemum tea can also help dispel wind and heat.
4. As Qingming is a period of alternating cold and warm air, the humidity in the air increases significantly. Using moxabustion to eliminate dampness can promote blood circulation and improve immunity.

“清明” 是中国传统阴历中的第五个节气,又是中国传统祭祖节日。中医认为,清明养生应顺应自然,重在“清”,即清心气、清肝气、清肠胃、清湿气。

  • 清心气,保持心神愉悦,多呼吸新鲜空气,放松身心;
  • 清肝气,由于立春之后,人体内的肝气会随之愈盛,在清明之际达到最旺,宜食用性温养生汤品,比如枸杞猪肝粥、川穹白芷炖鱼头、鲜土茯苓煲猪展等等;
  • 清肠胃,由于肝经应春气而旺,从而会导致脾胃变弱, 宜多食清肠胃的食物,比如西兰花,洋葱,海带,黑木耳等等。与此同时,饮用菊花茶也能起到疏风清热的效果。
  • 清湿气,清明正处于冷空气与暖空气交替之际,因此空气湿度会明显增加,利用艾灸祛除湿气,可以促进体内血液循环,有助提高身体免疫力

  • April  - 24 solar term - Grain Rain

The Grain Rain is the sixth solar term in the traditional Chinese calendar, signifying "rain nourishing all grains."
As Grain Rain marks the transition into late spring, with liver qi in a dormant state and heart qi gradually becoming vigorous, it's an opportune time for nourishment. Consuming foods that replenish blood and qi, such as black beans, barley, yams, bean sprouts, lotus roots, and seaweed, lays a foundation for a healthy transition into summer.
Recommended health-preserving tea for Grain Rain: To continue protecting the liver and nourishing the spleen, consider drinking chrysanthemum and coix seed tea. Chrysanthemum has the effects of dispersing wind-heat, improving vision, clearing heat and toxins, and calming liver yang. Coix seeds remove dampness and invigorate the spleen. Together, they create a fragrant tea with the combined benefits of soothing the liver and improving vision.

四月 - 24节气 - 谷雨

  • May - 24 solar term - Lesser fullness grain

五月 - 24节气 - 小满
1. 起居养生
饮食方面,调养宜以清爽清淡为主,常吃具有清利湿热、养阴作用的食物,忌吃膏粱厚味、甘肥滋腻、生湿助湿的食物,当然也可配合药膳进行调理,常用药材如: 白扁豆,茯苓,麦冬,薏仁,还可以常饮些生脉饮以益气生津。

Lesser fullness grain (Xiao man) is the eighth solar term in the 24 solar terms . The Xiaoman solar term is a prelude to the harvest and marks the beginning of the hot summer season, as well as a time when illnesses are more likely to occur.
Regarding diet, after Xiaoman, the weather is not only hot, but there is also more sweating and rainfall. Therefore, it is recommended to focus on light and refreshing foods that clear heat, dampness, and nourish yin. It is advisable to avoid heavy and greasy foods, sweet and oily foods, and foods that are damp and humid. Of course, you can also use medicinal cuisine to regulate your diet, using ingredients such as white hyacinth bean, Poriae cocos, Ophiopogon japonicus, coix seed, and drinking some Sheng Mai Yin regularly to nourish the body's vitality and moisten the throat.

  • June - 24 solar term - Grain in Ear

六月 - 24节气 - 芒种
Grain in Ear, the ninth solar term. Due to the hindered dispersal of sweat from the body, there is a phenomenon of heat and humidity. The key is to clear heat and dispel dampness. In this season, the daytime is longer and the night time is shorter, so it is advisable to go to bed late and get up early. It is important to maintain a relaxed and pleasant state of mind for mental well-being. In terms of diet, it is recommended to consume foods that have the effect of clearing heat, benefiting qi, generating body fluids, and relieving thirst. We recommends a few tips:
1. Five-Flavour Goji Drink
ake 5 grams of vinegar-fried schisandra chinensis and 10 grams of goji berries. Put the schisandra chinensis and finely chopped goji berries in a porcelain cup, pour boiling water over them, let it soak for a while, then add white sugar and stir well before drinking. This drink nourishes kidney yin and boosts kidney yang. It is suitable for treating conditions of "summer deficiency" and is an effective tonic for health maintenance.
2. Chrysanthemum and Sophora Green Tea Drink.
This drink has the effects of clearing the liver, improving eyesight, soothing the throat, reducing swelling, calming the mind, and refreshing the brain.

芒种,是二十四节气之第九个节气。夏季气温升高,空气中的湿度增加,体内的汗液无法通畅地发散出来,即热蒸湿动, 关键是清热祛湿。夏日昼长夜短,起居宜晚睡早起。在精神调养上应该保持轻松、愉快的状态。饮食上多吃具有祛暑益气、生津止渴的饮食。我们向您推进几个小窍门:
1. 五味枸杞饮
醋炙五味子5克,枸杞子10克五味子和剪碎的枸杞 子放入瓷杯中,以沸水冲泡,温浸片刻,再入白糖,搅匀即可饮 入。此饮滋肾阴、助肾阳。适用于 “夏虚” 之症,是养生补益的有效之剂。

  • 24 solar term - Summer solstice -24节气 - 夏至

Summer is a season of sweating, with abundant perspiration and a hot climate, while the digestive function of the body is relatively weak. Traditional Chinese medicine suggests consuming more sour foods to consolidate the surface and more salty foods to nourish the heart.

The Summer Solstice is the 10th solar term among the 24 solar terms. Based on the characteristics of the Summer Solstice, health preservation after the Summer Solstice should focus on "protecting yang energy" and "preserving yin fluids."
1. Daily Routine
In summer, it is advisable to go to bed late and get up early, while reasonably arranging nap times. Bathing should be done with warm water, and cold water baths should be avoided.
2. Diet
After the Summer Solstice, the diet should aim to clear away summer heat and enhance appetite. It is advisable to consume more bitter foods and foods that have the effect of relieving summer heat and boosting energy, such as cucumbers, bitter melons, loofahs, and celery, all of which are good for the stomach. Additionally, lotus leaves, bamboo leaves, and mint leaves can be used to make tea, which can help nourish the heart and relieve summer heat.
3. Exercise
Summer is a great time for outdoor activities, but excessive exercise can cause bodily harm. Exercise time should be reasonably arranged, avoiding exercise under the scorching sun or in high temperatures. After exercising, it's important to replenish water properly.

We recommends two summer health porridge and soup recipes:
1. Lotus Leaf and Poria Congee:
Relieves summer heat, calms the mind, and stops diarrhea and dysentery.
Ingredients: 1 lotus leaf (fresh or dried), 50g of Poria, 100g of polished rice or millet, and an appropriate amount of sugar.
First, boil the lotus leaf in water and remove the residue. Then add Poria and rice or millet to the herbal soup, cook them together until it becomes a porridge, and add sugar before serving.
2. Rabbit Meat and Spleen-Boosting Soup:
Strengthens the spleen and boosts Qi.
Ingredients: 200g of rabbit meat, 30g of Chinese yam, and 15g of goji berries, 15g of Codonopsis pilosula, 15g of astragalus, and 30g of Chinese dates.
Cook them over high heat, once boiled, reduce the heat and continue to simmer for 2 hours.


1. 荷叶茯苓粥:
清热解暑,宁心安神,止泻止痢(对心血管疾病、神经衰弱者亦有 效果)。
2.    兔肉健脾汤:

  • 24 solar term - Summer Heat 24节气 - 小暑

Summer heat is the eleventh solar term in the 24 solar terms. This year, Xiaoshu falls on July 7th, marking the beginning of extremely hot weather. How should we take care of our health during this time? We recommends two heat-clearing soups.
1.Green Bean and Tangerine Peel Sweet Soup
Clears heat, detoxifies, cools the body, quenches thirst, and promotes diuresis. Ingredients: Green beans, kelp, tangerine peel, rock sugar. Instructions: Soak the kelp and tangerine peel in water until softened, then slice them. Rinse the green beans. Put all the ingredients into a pot and bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat to low. Simmer for 1 hour, then remove from heat and add rock sugar. It is ready to be served.
2.Hawthorn and Lotus Leaf Tea
Clears heat, improves digestion, strengthens the spleen, and lowers cholesterol. Ingredients: 15-30 grams of hawthorn, 10 grams of dried lotus leaf. Instructions: Slice the hawthorn and dry it. For each serving, use 15-30 grams of hawthorn and 10 grams of dried lotus leaf. After brewing, remove the residue and drink it as tea."

1. 绿豆陈皮糖水
2. 山楂、荷叶茶饮

  • 24 solar term - Da Shu

24节气 - 大暑
The major solar term "Dashu" is the last solar term of summer and the hottest time of the year, falling on July 23rd in the Gregorian calendar.  It is recommended to consume light and easily digestible foods to avoid burdening the gastrointestinal system.  It is recommended to consume fresh vegetables and fruits regularly, and it is also beneficial to carry  herb products such as Huoxiang Zhengqi, Rendan, and cooling oil when going outdoors.
we suggests three dietary principles:
1. Consume more foods that help to resolve dampness and invigorate the spleen.
2. Consume foods that nourish Qi (vital energy) and nourish Yin (nourish the body's fluids). Examples of such foods include Chinese yam, sea cucumber, eggs, milk, honey, lotus root, black fungus, soft-shelled turtle, soy milk, lily porridge, chrysanthemum porridge, etc., which are all excellent choices for summer nourishment.
3. Adequate supply of protein is essential.


大暑节气养生重在一个“清”字,“清补”首先要祛湿。可以吃些清淡、易消化的食物,避免伤及肠胃道功能。 大暑时节,不要让身体过度暴露在高温环境,外出时最好随身携带藿香正气、仁丹、清凉油等药品。

第三,蛋白质供给需充足, 以鸡肉、鸭肉、瘦猪肉、鸽肉等平性或凉性的肉制品为首选。

  • August - 24 solar term Chushu

23 Aug 2023 is the traditional Chinese solar term of "Chushu," which marks the end of the summer heat and the beginning of cool autumn.In terms of diet and health during Chushu, the emphasis is on a mild and nourishing diet, which means consuming light and plain food.   Suitable foods include pears, grapes, lilies, spinach, lotus roots, tremella mushrooms, duck, duck eggs, glutinous rice, Job's tears, red adzuki beans, and milk, among others.We recommend a representative medicinal diet for you:Lily and Lotus Seed SoupCalms the mind, nourishes the heart, invigorates the spleen, and harmonizes the stomach.Ingredients: 100g dried lily bulbs, 75g dried lotus seeds, 75g rock sugar.Instructions:  Soak the lotus seeds for 4 hours and rinse them thoroughly. Place the lily bulbs and lotus seeds in a pot with water. Bring it to a boil over high heat, then add rock sugar. Reduce the heat and simmer for another 40 minutes. The soup is now ready to be consumed.

八月 - 24节气 - 处暑

处暑时节的饮食养生讲究淡补, 既可以避免肺旺伤肝,又可以避免伤脾, 饮食主要以清热化湿、健脾化湿、润肺滋阴等为主,可以适量进食梨、葡萄、百合、菠菜、莲藕、银耳、鸭子、鸭蛋、粳米、薏米、红小豆、牛奶等。
百合莲子汤: 安神养心,健脾和胃。
做法: 百合浸水一夜后,冲洗干净。莲子浸泡4小时,冲洗干净。将百合、莲子置入清水锅内, 武火煮沸后,加入冰糖,改文火续煮40分钟即可食用。

  • August - 24 solar term - Liqiu 立秋

"Start of Autumn" (Lìqiū) is the 13th solar term in the traditional Chinese lunar calendar. Autumn health maintenance should focus on regulating the spleen and stomach and preventing autumn dryness. Here are some tips for autumn health maintenance:
1. Dispel Heat and Nourish Yin In terms of diet, it is important to dispel summer heat and clear internal heat while consuming foods that nourish yin and moisten the lungs. Suitable foods include sesame, glutinous rice, japonica rice, honey, loquats, pineapples, dairy products.
2. Regulate the Spleen and Stomach Regulating the spleen and stomach should focus on clearing heat, promoting dampness elimination, and strengthening the spleen to expel the internal damp-heat through urination, thus promoting the recovery of spleen and stomach functions.
3. Emphasize Nourishing Yin and Replenishing Deficiencies Autumn is a good time for nourishing yin and replenishing deficiencies.

八月 - 24节气 - 立秋

  • September - 24 solar term - White Dews-24节气 - 白露

Bailu, also known as "White Dew," is the 15th solar term among the 24 solar terms in the Chinese lunar calendar, occurring from September 7th to 9th each year. During the Bailu season, the focus of health preservation is on nourishing the lungs, aiming to clear and purify lung energy. You can consume foods like pears, lilies, sugarcane, taro, radishes, tremella fungus, and honey dates.  Additionally, you can consider using some traditional Chinese herbal medicines that help nourish the lungs, moisten dryness, and benefit Qi, such as ginseng, sand ginseng, American ginseng, lilies, almonds, and Fritillaria.
We recommends a classic recipe:  Lotus Seed and Lily Bulb Stew
It has a moisturizing effect on the lungs and can help soothe coughs and inflammation. It's suitable for patients with chronic bronchitis.
Ingredients: 30g of lotus seeds, 30g of lily bulbs, 200g of lean pork.
Instructions: Soak the lotus seeds and lily bulbs in water for 30 minutes. Wash the lean pork and blanch it in boiling water (briefly scald). In the same pot, add fresh water and put in the lotus seeds, lily bulbs, and lean pork. Cook until well done (you can add a bit of salt and monosodium glutamate for seasoning if desired).

24节气 - 白露
莲子百合煲: 清润肺燥,止咳消炎。适用于慢性支气管炎患者。
配方: 莲子、百合各30克,精瘦肉200克。
做法: 莲子、百合清水浸泡30分钟,精瘦肉洗静,置于凉水锅中烧开(用水焯一下)捞出。锅 内重  新放入清水,将莲子、百合、精瘦肉一同入锅,加水煲熟(可适当放些精盐、味精调味)。

  • September - 24 solar term - Autumnal equinox 秋分

The Autumn Equinox, which falls between September 22nd and 24th on the Gregorian calendar, is the 16th solar terms in the traditional Chinese calendar. In terms of health preservation, people should adhere to the principles of balancing yin and yang to maintain the body's harmony.
1. Emotional Health: Cultivate an optimistic mood, maintain a cheerful state of mind.
2. Daily Routine: During autumn, it's advisable to go to bed and wake up early.
3. Physical Activity: Engaging in regular physical activity is beneficial for improving the circulatory system, increasing lung capacity, and generating happiness and vitality.
4. Dietary Health: The diet should focus on nourishing yin and moistening the lungs. It's recommended to consume foods such as sesame, glutinous rice, loquat, pear, lily, lotus seeds, white fungus, lotus root, adzuki beans, honey,  chestnuts.  Since excessive lung energy can impair liver function, consuming medicinal herbs like wu wei zi (Schisandra) and shaoyao (Peony) with sour and astringent properties can help tonify lung energy and enhance liver function.

4、饮食养生:秋分燥气当令,易伤津液,故饮食应以滋阴润肺为宜,可适当食用芝麻、糯米、粳米、枇杷、菠萝、梨、百合、莲子、银耳、大枣、藕、赤小豆、蜂蜜、栗子、乳品等柔润食物,以益胃生津。因为肺气太盛可损伤肝的功能,多吃酸性食品, 或选择五味子、芍药这些性味酸涩的药物来收敛肺气以增强肝脏的功能。

  • Oktober - 24 solar term - Cold Dew - 寒露

Hanlu" is the 17th solar term among the 24 solar terms in the Chinese calendar, occurring from October 8th to 9th each year. Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes "nourishing yang in spring and summer, and nourishing yin in autumn and winter." Therefore, after Hanlu, health maintenance should focus on nourishing yin essence.
Below, We introduce two recipes for health-preserving soups :
1. Red Dates, Peanut, and Solomon's Seal Congee
Ingredients: 15 red dates, 15 grams of Solomon's Seal (Polygonatum), a handful of peanuts, one Chinese yam, a suitable amount of rice. Benefits: Warms the spleen, nourishes blood, and promotes a beautiful complexion.
2 . Lily, Jujube, Lotus Seed, and Ginkgo Nut Congee
Ingredients: 30 grams of lily bulbs, 20 jujubes, 20 grams of lotus seeds, 15 ginkgo nuts, rice, and rock sugar to taste. Benefits: Nourishes yin, moistens the lungs, strengthens the spleen, and benefits the stomach.

十月- 24节气 - 寒露
寒露在二十四节气中排列十七,于每年的十月八日至九日交节, 这也是二十四节气中最早出现“寒”的节气。中医强调“春夏养阳,秋冬养阴”, 所以寒露以后,养生应以保养阴精为主。
A. 紅棗花生黃精粥
B. 大棗蓮子銀杏粥

October- 24 solar term - First frost- 霜降

"First frost" is the last solar term of autumn, occurring on either October 23rd or 24th each year.  It's essential during the deep autumn season to balance the body's qi, blood, yin, and yang to better digest and absorb the essence of winter foods, nurturing the body's yang energy, and vital fluids for health maintenance. I introduce a health-preserving herbal tea for you.

Osmanthus and Sour Plum Soup

Ingredients: 3-5 sour plums, 15g hawthorn berries, 15g cooked rehmannia root, half a tangerine peel,  osmanthus flowers, and rock sugar to taste (for 3   servings).  Instructions: Wash the sour plums, hawthorn berries, cooked rehmannia root, and tangerine peel.  Wrap them in cheesecloth. Bring water to a boil in a pot and add the bundle of herbs. Simmer on low heat for 40 minutes.  Add rock sugar and simmer until it melts.  Remove the bundle of herbs, sprinkle with osmanthus flowers, and it's ready to  serve.

十月 - 24节气 - 霜降


  • November - 24 solar term - Beginning of Winter-立冬

"Lidong" is the nineteenth of the twenty-four solar terms. November 8th marks the arrival of the Lidong solar term, signifying the official beginning of winter. Winter is a season for storing vital energy,  winter health mainly involves methods such as sleep, diet, exercise, and medication to preserve vital energy, strengthen the body, and promote longevity.
I recommend two suitable soup recipes:
1. Yam and Lamb Soup
Ingredients: 500g lamb, 150g yam, ginger, scallions, black pepper, Shaoxing wine, salt to taste.
Benefits:       Warms the body, nourishes Qi, and strengthens the stomach and spleen.
2. Cordyceps Steamed Old Duck
Ingredients:  5 pieces of cordyceps, 1 old male duck, Huangjiu wine, ginger, scallion whites, salt to taste.
Benefits:        Nourishes deficiency, boosts essence, nourishes Yin, and supports Yang.

十一月 - 24节气 - 立冬
立冬,是二十四节气之第十九个节气。 11月8日就将迎来立冬节气,标志着冬季正式来临。冬季是匿藏精气的时节,冬令进补以立冬后至立春前这段期间最为适宜,冬季养生主要是通过睡眠、饮食、运动、药物等手段,达到保养精气、强身健体、延年益寿的目的。
功效:       暖身补气,温胃健脾。
2. 虫草蒸老鸭
材料:    冬虫夏草5枚、老雄鸭1只、黄酒、生姜、葱白、食盐各适量。
功效:     补虚益精,滋阴助阳。

  • Dicember - 24 solar term - Great snow - 大雪

The Great snow solar term often arrives around December 7th. This is the 21st solar term out of the twenty-four in the traditional Chinese calendar. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine and health preservation, the Great snow period is considered an excellent time for "tonifying" the body.
Commonly used vegetables during this period include radishes and Chinese cabbage. Meats such as pork, beef, and various fish, as well as poultry and eggs, are commonly used supplements. Medicinal foods that serve a dual purpose, such as red dates, lychee, longan, walnuts, and wolfberries, are also popular choices depending on individual needs.
Nutrition Recipe for the Major Snowfall Solar Term:
Goji Berry Shredded Pork
Ingredients: 20g goji berries, 100g lean pork, 20g green bamboo shoots, oil, salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate, Shaoxing wine, sesame oil, dry starch, and soy sauce, as needed. Effects: Nourishes yin and blood, nourishes the liver, and tonifies the kidneys.
and longevity.
十二月 - 24节气 - 大雪
[配料] 枸杞20克、瘦猪肉100克,青笋20克、油、盐、砂糖、味精、绍酒、麻油、干淀粉、酱油适量。

Rust en regelmaat

We hebben allemaal wel eens een periode waarin we ons minder fit voelen. Ons lichaam werkt dan hard om energiek en gezond te blijven. Hierbij spreken we onze natuurlijke reserves behoorlijk aan. Daarom wordt binnen de Traditionele Chinese Geneeskunde (TCG) grote waarde gehecht aan een gezonde levensstijl waarbij we onze natuurlijke reserves niet onnodig verbruiken. Een gezonde levensstijl biedt voldoende rust en regelmaat. In onze hectische maatschappij komen we daar vaak niet aan toe. Toch kan iets meer tijd en vooral aandacht voor uzelf en uw manier van leven wonderen doen voor uw gezondheid. Hier zijn wat eenvoudige tips:

  • Eet en drink rustig en matig.
  • Vermijd stress en drukte zoveel mogelijk.
  • Zorg elke dag voor één moment waarop u volledig tot rust komt.
  • Beweeg elke dag, bij voorkeur in de buitenlucht.
  • Breng regelmaat aan in uw dag- en nachtritme.

Met deze eenvoudige aanwijzingen kunt u veel doen voor uw welzijn. Bovendien zijn ze een geweldige ondersteuning bij uw acupunctuurbehandeling!

  • 2024年惊蛰时间是03月05日到03月20日




《黄帝内经》:“春三月,此谓发陈,天地俱生,万物以荣,夜卧早起,广步于庭,被发缓形,以使志生,生而勿杀,予而勿夺,赏而勿罚,此春气之应,养生之道也。逆之则伤肝,夏为寒变,奉长者少。” 春季易使肝旺。而肝脏在人体内是主理疏泄与藏血,非常重要。因此,春季养生宜顺应阳气自然升发舒畅的特点,以养肝为要务。
杞子性平味甘,功能润肺清肝、滋肾益气、生精助阳、补虚劳、强筋骨,是滋补性强壮药,为广东民间煲汤的常用药材,如《食疗本草》说它“坚筋耐老”, “补益筋骨,能益人,去虚劳”。
2. 锅巴


